author/source: Dr. Amba Marie Dryg-Tobin

Photo Courtesy of SHane Rounce on UnsplashThere are good things and bad things in everyone. It seems easy for some to see the good in everyone. Most people find themselves judging others at times too. Have you heard of the Ho'oponopono practice from the Hawaiian Huna tradition that many have adapted and practiced in meditation or mantra?  It is a Hawaiian healing practice that involves acknowledging and taking responsibility for negative thoughts, actions, or emotions. The practice is based on the belief that healing comes from within, and that negativity is caused by blocks in the conscious mind.

Here are some ways to practice Ho'oponopono: 

  • Acknowledge and reflect

Recognize feelings, thoughts, and actions of anger, fear, illness, or suffering in yourself and others. 

  • Repeat the mantra

With reverence, silently or aloud, repeat the mantra "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you". You can breathe in between each phrase and pause reverently. 

  • Repeat until you feel clarity

Continue repeating the mantra until you feel a sense of lightness or clarity. 

  • End with silence

After repeating the mantra, take a few moments of silence to let the message resonate. 

  • Listen to the mantra

Play the mantra in the background while working or trying to fall asleep. 

Ho'oponopono is believed to help release negative elements and transform them into positive, healing energy. 

Photo Courtesy of Toa HeftibaThe link below talks about it. However, the way I was taught also includes the judgment we see of others ....for example if I was on a bus and I saw someone being abusive verbally to a partner... And I judged them ...I would say it in my mind

Because I judged them because I don't know the whole story ..not that it makes it okay to verbally abuse someone....and MAINLY BECAUSE I have and we all have the CAPACITY to do dark and horrible things ... We may not do them .. however, if we put ourselves in the person’s shoes and the same set of circumstances...we potentially could do the same dark things ..... But most of us do not or would not

However is part of each unique soul's journey ...and though you may not believe it....YOU ARE ME...AND I AM YOU....WE ARE THEM ..THEY ARE US.

There is no separation. Most people may have different beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and filters regarding how we see and digest things.

Your description of a car accident and mine to the police would be different based on your perspective of where you were at the time.

War and then ....violence of any kind there really ever any justification?

Did most moms and teachers teach boys ...and girls .... To USE YOUR WORDS.?.. And not to hit other kids when they didn't get what they wanted?

Here is a link that doesn't include the ..owning our darkness part..when we judge others can we transmute the energy ...if we can see we all have the capacity for negative behavior ...and cleanse and forgive it from ourselves and others we judge I said there is no separation.

I am not saying all the things they did....were ok....however I do not think war or killing others is ever ok ..there are other options ...we can put a man on the moon... I know that we all can do better

Catching ourselves when we judge others what I mostly use the mantra/prayer for.... As well as ancestors lessons that come up ..from family drama.

Part of the reason I am going to Bolivia next year for one of my retreats

To bring abundance into our lives it starts with loving ourselves and others. Learn more at our hybrid retreat in May 2024 details at