Why YOU Are Trashing Your Dreams?
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who says they really, really want something, but you know they are not taking the needed steps to achieve it? I think we have all had these conversations with someone and I don’t know about you, but I find them super frustrating! What I realized though is it’s not about me, it’s about them! My job is not to fix their problem unless they ask for help! Once I made that mindset shift, it helped me be unattached to the conversation. Sure, I still want to help people, but I have learned to become a better listener! Now if you are the person who is saying that they want XYZ dream to come true but are not doing the work, today I am sharing what I do when this is how I feel!
Each month I empower you with training and a free resource, based on successful strategies that I have used in one of my businesses! I share my journey with you to help you fast-track your growth without all the headaches! This week you can watch on-demand my free training - The Legacy Business Blueprint Masterclass. This training gives you The 3 Secrets (They Don’t Teach in Business School) You Must Master NOW If You Want to Build a Profitable Business While Still Having a Life! You can stream it here: https://www.passionpurposeposture.com/legacybusinessblueprint
My first business was a franchise, my second was a clothing boutique and then I had a skincare business and now it’s coaching! In each of these businesses, I have had moments when I assumed someone else’s goal and tried to make it my own and that is when I could not achieve them!
Because I was not passionate nor excited to do the work!
Has this ever happened to you before?
Let me give you an example…
When I had my franchise business, the franchisor encouraged, okay pushed us to grow our revenue year over year. Of course, they would want that because it makes them more money, but they also knew that more money made us owners happier! So, I worked to grow and grow and grow! But then I got to a good point in my business where I was working part-time, making multiple six figures, and I was living a really good life! But I felt the constant pressure to grow my revenue to hit the next award level! While a new award level would be awesome to say you achieved it, was it worth growing to that level, what would it take to get there and what was I going to get out of it other than another trinket to dust on my bookshelf? I realized that my business, my team, and I were all in a really good place and it was okay to remain where we were. I did not have to run to that next level just because it was expected. I had achieved my dreams and I was happy with that!
So back to you…Are the dreams, vision, and goals you review daily in your morning routine (you have one of those right?) YOURS? Meaning are they things that YOU want or something that someone else wants that you think you should want too?
Over the past 15 years of being an entrepreneur, I have found I am most successful in achieving my dreams when I am truly passionate about them and dedicated to achieving them! I have the daily drive, ambition, and motivation to make them happen!
So back to my question…Are you saying you want something but not doing the work because deep down you really don’t want it?
In Summary, that is a question I ask myself every single time I set a new goal. Do I really want this and am I willing to do what it takes to achieve it and why do I really want it? If the answers all align, I go for it! If they don’t, I reassess and see what’s missing. Remember you get one life and it’s all yours! Not mine, not hers, not theirs! All YOURS! So, spend your time working on your dreams, vision, and goals, not someone else’s!
If you want to learn more about designing your dreams, vision, and goals, watch this free masterclass today - The Legacy Business Blueprint! This is a behind-the-scenes look into building a successful and profitable business that allows you the time and money to live your one life on your terms. These 3 secrets are the things they don’t teach in business school, or it seems online lately, so it’s a must-watch if you want to have a business that turns a profit without working more hours! Here is the link to stream to your preferred device: https://www.passionpurposeposture.com/legacybusinessblueprint
Sailynn Doyle, The “Fun” Business Coach helps women entrepreneurs implement sustainable business strategies so you can have fun and make a ton! After selling her senior home care business in 2017, she moved to Florida where she started an online business to help more women live this one life!
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