In the Midst of Difficult Times, There are Rays of Sunshine

author/source: Peg Doyle

the-midst-difficult-times-there-are-rays-sunshineIn the midst of difficult times, we have opportunities to make choices as to how we respond. There are always rays of sunshine and I’d like to share a few with you. 

Sunday we learned of Italians leaning from their balconies to applaud the work of health care workers, then spontaneously bursting into song and music, joining as best they could with joyful sound and laughter.

Friends Susan K. Gillis offered the blessings of walking on a crisp clear morning, her face aglow. Lucille Fisher offered the Buddhist prayer on her storyline.

The Chopra Center speaks of how laughter is the best medicine.  Louise Hay’s words ring true: “All is well.  Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation, only good will come.”

And while you lift your spirits with positive thoughts and actions, reach out with kindness to those who may need your help.  Know an hourly wage earner who is out of work? A gift card to a grocery store might be a huge help.  How about an elder who lives alone and may love a phone call or an errand run?  Kindness lifts your immune system, so it's a win-win. 

Peg DoyleLet’s be wise, let’s follow our best self-care and immune building practices, and see what we have to learn about ourselves, our communities and humankind.

If you find you're terribly stressed by all of this, please email me and request a free download of my Stress Management recording - it's about 10 minutes long and will ease you back to feeling better.

Below you’ll find some updates on upcoming events, a quick tour of Traditional Chinese Medicine's role in keeping you healthy, a repeat of the Immune Building Soup recipe and an excerpt on obesity from my book.

Please keep in touch - I very much appreciate your notes and feedback.  


Love, Peg