Everyone Could Use a Refresher on the ABC's

author/source: Michelle Woerdeman

Photo Courtesy of MBWHow's your week going? Usually, by Wednesday some folks are already wondering when Friday will be here if the week seems to be dragging, or you may be on the flip side asking yourself how is it already Wednesday??

Either way, I thought today was a good day to remind you about the ABCs.  Not the ones we learn when we are young, the ABCs of grounding ourselves and feeling into our heart centers. 

This simple yet effective technique below, will calm your nervous system, promote relaxation, and provide you with a calming sense of well-being.  Enjoy! 


Aware   Breath   Choose

Become AWARE

Notice everything you are feeling physically emotionally and mentally.  No judgment, simply become aware and rate on a scale of 1-10.  This practice alone starts to align your nervous system.


Try and relax any tension in your body and take 3 deep belly breaths.  Imagine blowing up a balloon on each inhale.  This will turn off your fight or flight mode.

CHOOSE your emotion

Use this opportunity to say out loud to your mind and body what emotion you want to generate.  Your cells are always listening.

“I am ready to feel peace and calm”

I welcome my body to feel at ease”

Cheers, Michelle 

Certified Holistic Life and Mindfulness Coach​

Mind Balance & Wellness Living Tranquility Center 


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