Ely’s Story

author/source: Peg Doyle, M.Ed., CHHC

Photo Courtesy of Karsten WinegeartI’ve been writing and speaking about the 5 Pillars of longevity - nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management, and social connection for a while now.  They all matter when your goal is to be as healthy as possible throughout life.  Ely’s story will inspire you.

I first met Ely in 2017 when I went out for an early morning walk around my condo complex.  She was walking too, several yards ahead of me.  She was limping badly, and my first thought was she needed a hip replacement.

After seeing her over the next few days, I decided to catch up with her and say hello, thinking it would be nice to get to know a neighbor and possibly have a walking buddy.

As I got to know her I learned she did not have a hip problem.  Ely grew up in the Philippines, and as a teenager, she worked in a factory.  There was an accident, and a boiling liquid spilled on her feet, giving her 3rd-degree burns and resulting in some lasting disfigurement and pain.

Now in 2017 at age 65, Ely told me this story:

“I retired this year, and on my last day of work, I had to use a walker just to get from my car to my front door. That day I decided I did not want to spend my retirement like this. The very next day I went outside and walked without the walker for a few steps, determined I would add steps each day.  It hurt, but I began to notice it hurt a little less each day, so I kept adding steps. I haven’t missed a day since.”

Needless to say, I was impressed!

I moved in 2020 and hadn’t seen Ely until recently when we got together for coffee.  She looked great, and of course, I was eager to know if she had continued her daily walks.

This is how it went:

Me:  Ely - you look terrific! Did you go to your home in the Philippines this past Winter?

Photo Courtesy of Lisa Van VlietEly:  Yes, I was there from January until May and spent time with family.

Me:  I miss our walks around the condo complex.

Ely:  I walk every morning, Peg, I haven’t missed a day, here or in the Philippines.

Me:  Good for you, Ely!

Ely then told me she walks 4 miles EVERY day!

To me, this is totally inspiring.  I wanted to know more about her motivation and how she has been able to stick with it.  Here’s what she said:

“You know, I’m the type of person that hate the mañana system. When it’s time for walking I never say later, or I’m tired or any excuses. I want to do it right away  and tomorrow will be another day. Like today, I finished my walk at 7:10 am. 4.3 miles 6964 steps.”

I’m gong to remember Ely’s words, especially on those days when I don’t want to walk, or do my stretches or cook a healthy meal.  Ely is a powerhouse of guts and determination.

ps I just got an update from her: 4.3 miles again today.   May we all strive for an Ely day every day going forward in whatever form is right for us.

Need help with your nutrition in person or virtually? Link is here

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Visit my blog to see “Is Farmed Salmon Safe/” and other posts on food and wellness.

Stay tuned for some Autumn workshops on living a meaningful life.

Stay well, be happy, and take good care of yourself.

