Setting the Habit of Healthy Motion

author/source: Donna Racette

Healthy Motion Phot Courtesy of SRI Yoga AshramOftentimes, our daily schedules are packed with activities and tasks. These busy days can be challenging to set aside time for things that are essential to our optimal health and wellness journey, like healthy motion.

Once you are ready to set the habit of healthy motion into action, try making time in the earlier hours of the day, when you are less likely to be interrupted. Getting up earlier can sometimes be difficult, so here are several tips that may motivate you when laying out a morning motion routine:

Write it down. The day before starting your morning motion, mark this event on your calendar. Doing so will train your brain to set aside time for this activity, motivating your body and making you more likely to actually do it.

Photo Courtesy of Frida Aguilar EstradaPlan ahead. Choose when and where you will be practicing healthy motion ahead of time. Knowing these details will help you visualize your exercise and get you out of bed.

Practice NEAT. NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, which simply means burning energy through daily activities that do not include sleeping, eating, or exercise. This could include using the stairs, doing dishes by hand, or shoveling snow.

Stand instead of sitting. If you work in front of a computer for most of the day consider getting a standing desk that enables you to stand while you work.

Ease your way into healthy motion. Take a low impact walk around your neighborhood with friends or family, partake in a virtual yoga class, or practice meditation to set yourself up for success as you progress into your day. You can also listen to music, a podcast, or an audiobook to get yourself in the right mood.


Photo Courtesy of SRI Yoga Ashram You are a priorityTo grow and achieve your holistic health goals when working toward optimal wellbeing, it’s important to learn ways to accept and respect yourself. This practice is often overlooked and forgotten, but it is essential to your health and wellness journey.

Consider these tips when working towards this important goal:

YOU are a priority. You are important enough to give yourself the opportunity to change. Be compassionate and give yourself grace, as accepting this altered thinking doesn’t happen overnight. Focus on your positive qualities to facilitate positive change.

Take small steps. Incorporate one microHabit at a time, such as healthy hydration, rather than making a drastic change at once. For example, instead of saying, “I’m going to hydrate regularly,” try, “I’m going to keep a journal on how much water I drink throughout the day.” This will enable you to hold yourself accountable. You can also leverage the Habits of Health App.

Be consistent. Consistency will yield more positive results. If you happen to experience a setback, acknowledge it, learn from it, and get back in the game!

Use your support system. A support team is critical to success.

Celebrate your success. It’s important to reward your efforts consistently while implementing new habits. Recognize your accomplishments when you hit a milestone, even if it’s a smaller one. This will motivate you as you continue working toward your goals.


Donna Racette - Optavia HealthDonna Racette is a Certified Health Coach, empowering women to take the reigns of their health and life. She founded Heart-Led Health with a personal pledge to challenge, inspire, and equip people to awaken their why, embrace what’s possible, and dare to live the life they desire and deserve.

Since 2012, Donna Racette has coached thousands of people across the United States, specializing in weight loss, self-esteem, mindfulness, and energy. She lives on the south side of Boston with her sweetheart Jonathan and their three dogs, Zeke, Daisy, and Bear. She is certified by Optavia in partnership with The MacDonald Center for Obesity Prevention and Education (C.O.P.E.) in the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing at Villanova University.

Prior to health coaching, Donna has nearly 30 years of experience as a versatile, award-winning marketing communications professional. She loves writing, hearing people’s stories, walking with her pups, the beach, laughing, Pilates, movies on the big screen, black coffee, time with loved ones, and a good personal challenge.

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Donna Racette

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m: 518-744-6811

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