Be a Slow Eater!

author/source: Peg Doyle, M.Ed., CHHC

Photo Courtesy of Pablo Merchan MontesBe a slow eater!

Why take your time?

You will notice the taste of your food.

You will likely eat less.

If you grew up in a house with lots of kids, as I did, you might have learned to eat really fast so you'd get enough, fighting off the greedy hands of hungry siblings. But learning to eat slowly will serve you well.

In slowing down the pace, chewing each bite before swallowing OR putting another bite in your mouth, you will grow to appreciate different flavors, your digestion will be smoother, and because you are slowing the pace and eating less, you will notice when you've had enough. This is an important element if you want to lose weight. The Japanese have an expression 'hara hachi bu' which means eat until you are 80% full. You can only notice how full you are if you eat slowly.

Give it a try.

Peg Doyle at