All The Things

author/source: Julie Grint

all-the-thingsSince the summer I've been on a quiet break from social media.

I took the time out so I could create space to reflect and rediscover what I truly wanted in life.

A big part of my life is what I do: my career, my calling.

I had found that whilst what I do - facilitating transformation - is what I truly love, something needed to change. I soon realized that it wasn't "what" I was doing that needed to be different, it was "how" I was doing it that did.

Having spent many years doing "all the things", not knowing if there was anything else left to try, or "how" things could be done differently, I handed my request over to the universe and let go.

Well, the universe certainly delivered.

I really did not expect that I'd be here just a few months later announcing this news, but here I am letting you know that things are definitely a little bit different.

I'm now a Live Blood Analyst!

I'm sure for some it sounds like a weird change, a bit sciency or even obscure, but it couldn't be more of a perfect fit.

When I embarked on this holistic pathway and career my mission was to help people break free from the stress that was causing them to be sick, living unhealthy, unhappy lives, and preventing them from loving themselves.

Transform Photo Courtesy of Suzanne D WilliamsOver the years I've transformed the way I work in many ways - from hands-on reflexology and massage, to distance healing, health coaching all over the world, delivering facial reflexology online, learning hypnotherapy, emotional release work, the creation of my Intuology method, to teaching women how to use the moon and the healing power of nature to get back in tune with their bodies - but what's always remained the same is the desire to help people lose stress so they can love themselves and love their lives.

With the addition of Live Blood Analysis, not only do I continue to support you in the way I always have done - by reducing stress, giving you the tools to create healthy habit change, regulating your nervous system, and becoming emotionally empowered - I also get to show you evidence of the positive effects those changes you make have on your body inside. Proof that self-love is the best medicine!

Photo Courtesy of Charles DeluvioAs my colleague recently said:

"The woo-woo is the glue-glue"

Self-love, be that through physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual action, is what makes everything else work better - much like the blood!

Just like the blood I too am on a mission to share the love and in doing so make more healthy connections, and so you'll be hearing a bit more from me from now on.

So, enough about me, I'd like to hear all about the changes you have been making in your life.

Tell me, what's new and good?

How have you been changing/evolving these past few months?

Is there something in your health or life you would like to be different and why?

What might prevent you or get in the way of you making this change?

If you were to let go, what might start to flow?

I can't wait to hear from you.

Much Love Julie

all-the-thingsJulie Grint

Founder, Intu-ology | Health, Healing, Empowerment

"Transformation is a continuous cycle of letting go"

Intu-ology - Learn the art of using your body to create the health and life you want.

Schedule a free consultation to uncover what you want and how I can support you to get there:


Click here to learn more about Live Blood Analysis