Tips for Renovating Your New Home

author/source: Sharon Green

Photo Courtesy of Roselyn Tirado UnsplashHave you just bought a new home and are planning to renovate it? A lot of people opt to renovate when moving home as this gives them a chance to add their own personal touch to it - you could knock a wall down to make a room bigger, change your kitchen to be more modern or redecorate all your bedroom’s to make them feel more like home.

When renovating a home, it’s important you put a budget together to stop you from overspending. Using a storage unit is useful if you have a lot of furniture that you need to move around as part of the renovation and hiring a designer can also be helpful, if you want a polished finish with your renovation.

The sooner you start planning your renovation, the less stressful it will be, so make sure you get started once you know you are going to renovate - there is nothing worse than feeling stressed! Below we have put together our guide on four tips for renovating your new home.

Put a budget together

As with anything that’s going to have a big cost attached to it, putting a budget together beforehand will help you keep control of the overall spending - without one, it’s easy to overspend on bits that you didn’t expect to. Tips for putting a budget together include; trying to be realistic with the costs, the more accurate you are the less likely you are to overspend. Try to be as thorough as possible, it’s the little things that you didn’t plan for that can add up and try not to put a lot of items on credit as the chances are, they will add interest onto them.

Use a storage unit

When renovating, the fewer items you have in your home, the easier it will be to decorate each room, without having to keep moving things about. To help with this, a storage unit can be used. You can put all your big items in it, such as a sofa, TV unit, your bed, shelving units etc, until the renovation is done. Storage units can be rented out for as short as a week and for as long as you like. They are also very affordable, easy to set up and come in a variety of sizes. Each storage company will cost differently, so our advice would be to get multiple quotes to ensure you are getting a good price.

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay Number 159045Hire a designer

If your budget allows it, hiring a designer for your renovation can be really helpful. Designers are experts at their jobs and can make suggestions on your home decor that you will have not thought of and help give your property a high-end finish. They are more affordable than you would expect and can save you money as they will have a preferred supplier which they can recommend and sometimes give you a discount if used. Why not speak to a couple and see what prices they offer and suggestions, you have nothing to lose.

Take your time on big decisions

The worst thing you can do on a renovation is rush your decision, as rushing can cause errors to occur and bad decisions to be made. If you have any big decisions to make with your renovation, take your time on it. Give yourself a day or two to reflect on the suggestions and speak it over with other people, like your friends or family members. It may cause a small delay, but you will spend more time undoing an error, should you rush and say yes to something you don’t like in the end.

We hope we have given you some inspiration for your home renovation. When renovating, things can get expensive, so the most important tip we can give is to put a spreadsheet together and keep track of the costs. Spreadsheets are great as they give you an easy way to see what each item is costing you. It’s also useful to speak to any friends or family members who have had a renovation done, as they will have had a hands-on experience of going through one.

Are you planning on renovating your new home and what tips would you recommend to someone who is also going through the process? Which of the above tips did you find most useful? Is there anything missing in our guide that you think we should be adding? Let us know in the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you.