The 3 Most Crucial Aspects of Product Packaging You Can NOT Neglect

author/source: Sara Ashcroft

pHOTO cOURTESY OF pmv chamaraPackaging your products is important for many reasons. At the base level, it provides a protective casing for whatever you’re selling. Some product types - like food - also need packaging to keep the items fresh.

Having said all of this, there are three crucial aspects of product packaging you can’t ignore:

  • Drawing customers in
  • Convincing them to buy the product
  • Encouraging them to buy it again

All three of these things are related to how you package your products. The right packaging will ensure people are drawn to what you’re selling, feel the urge to purchase it, and continue to make repeat purchases. Nailing these three aspects will lead to long-term business success - but how do you do them? Keep reading and you’ll soon find out!

How To Draw Customers In With Product Packaging

Photo Courtesy of Sticker Mule on UnsplashThis first step is often the easiest. Drawing people in is a case of making your product packaging stand out on the shelves. Consider where it might be placed or what products will be around it. Use colorful printing labels to immediately draw eyes to your product instead of everything else nearby. It’s very easy to do some research and see how you can make your packaging stand out when placed with your competitors. You want to ensure nothing on the shelves looks like your item, so all the attention goes to it.

How To Use Product Packaging To Convince Someone To Make A Purchase

After step one, you’ve dragged someone’s eyes to your product. They’re standing next to it, sizing up the packaging, and debating whether to purchase or not. This is where information on your product packaging becomes vital. Be sure to include some key selling points on the packaging for all to see - this involves unique aspects of the product, how it can benefit the consumer, etc. You also need as much information as possible to explain what the product does and if it’s the right thing for the customer. This info should go on the back for people to read - the key selling points need to be front and center; they encourage the consumer to pop your product in their basket.

Photo Courtesy of Tarah DaneHow To Encourage Repeat Purchases Through Product Packaging

Good product packaging drives lots of new customers to your business. Great product packaging will take your business to the next level by encouraging repeat purchases. How is this possible through the packaging alone? Obviously, the product must be up to scratch, but using good packaging materials can differentiate your product from another similar one on the market. If a customer tried your product and a rival’s - yet saw no key differences in their overall experience - they are far more likely to pick yours up again if your packaging is 100% recyclable or easy to get rid of. Incorporating recyclable materials can often tempt people to spend more money on a product because they know it’s better for the environment. It’s a simple change to make, yet it can induce so many returning customers.

The underlying theme in this post is never to underestimate the power of product packaging. It lures in new leads, convinces them to become customers, and can also do a lot of groundwork to tempt people into returning and making repeat purchases.