Rosie's Place - Compassion Counts
Walking the supermarket aisles, filling your gas tank or sitting down to pay your utility bills—it’s clear that everything costs more today. And the prices paid by poor and homeless women are even higher.
Having to choose between eating and keeping your lights on. Living one paycheck away from eviction because your rent just went up. Again. Living in fear that you and your children will lose your home.
For these women, Rosie’s Place is a lifeline. Because as the challenges facing our guests continue to multiply, so too, does our help.
At Rosie’s Place, our help is free. Free of judgment, free of strings. Given freely. Given with love. Women in need know they can count on our compassion.
Can we count on yours?
Will you help us raise $100,000 to support our work,
365 days of the year?
Your compassion today will mean many brighter tomorrows for our community’s
most vulnerable.
Herself360 is a proud Media Sponsor of Rosie's Place