How Can Families Balance Screen Time in the Modern World

author/source: Emily McCarthy

Photo Courtesy of Kelly SikkemaScreen time is such a tricky thing to get right when it comes to family life. For most of us with children, we didn't grow up with screens and so this is a completely new area of parenting that we’re all still finding our footing with. There’s no denying that the world is now an incredibly digital, technology-driven space, but it’s important to find the balance between our screens and the real world. Too much screen time can negatively impact us, and lead to things like eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and social isolation- it can also lead to reduced physical activity which can promote obesity and other health issues. There are potential negative impacts on children's cognitive and social development especially, so we all want to do what’s right by our little ones and get that balance right so that we can utilize and enjoy our devices but make sure they don't totally take over. Here are some things to consider. 

Make a plan

Creating a tech schedule can work wonders for keeping the balance right within your family. What time you want and need to spend on your screens will depend entirely on your preferences, but think about what’s right for you. You could decide on the total screen time allowed each day and then break it down into smaller chunks, or perhaps more or less during the week or at weekends.

Photo Courtesy of pexels-cottonbro-studioLead by example

If you’re guilty of spending a lot of time on your phone, this won't go unnoticed by your kids. As with all areas of parenting, leading by example can go a long way, and taking more time away from your screen will likely benefit you as well as them. So keep tabs on your own screen usage. 

Make some areas of the home tech-free

Certain places in the home are better free of tech, they allow us to connect and encourage face to face conversations. The dining table is one example, eating dinner as a family has so many great benefits so dont interrupt that with mobile phones. The bedroom after bedtime is also a good example of a space that’s best being tech free. Taking kids smart devices from them before bed means you can better balance screen time and keep tabs on their usage. 

Make your online time have a purpose

Mindless scrolling can easily become more mindful exploring with the right guidance. Encourage your little ones to use tech for educational purposes or for their creative pursuits. There are fantastic apps and websites that can boost their knowledge and spark their creativity. Explore interactive learning platforms that are able to cater to your child's interests and help them discover new passions.

Make sure restrictions are correct

Not all apps are created equal, and it's up to us to be vigilant app detectives. Making sure your kids only have access to appropriate material online is important and chances are is one of your concerns as a parent- you only need to know what can someone do with your ip address or how easy it is for people to groom or track children online to worry. Having the correct age restriction filters on is a good place to start, and only buying devices that are specially designed for kids can help. Take the Amazon kids fire tablet for example, it comes with heaps of settings so you can tailor it, you can turn off web browsing, restrict apps by age etc and there’s still plenty that all ages can do with it. 

Family Game Night: Turn screen time into a family affair! Organize game nights where you can all play video games together. It's a fabulous way to create lasting memories and even sneak in some valuable life lessons. Encourage friendly competition, cooperation, and problem-solving as you tackle challenges in virtual worlds together. These experiences can bring your family closer and foster a sense of togetherness.

Photo Courtesy of Kelly SStay flexible

Be flexible with your tech rules and adapt them as your family's needs change, such as when your kids get older and need access to more of the internet for things like school and creativity. Some days might require a little more screen time and that's okay! As long as it's balanced overall it’s fine, the key is to ensure that tech time doesn't overshadow other important aspects of life.

Keep communication open

Always be sure to keep those lines of communication open with your kids. Discuss the importance of a balanced tech lifestyle and involve them in creating the family's tech guidelines. When children feel heard and included in decision-making, they’re much more likely to follow the rules and develop a healthy relationship with technology.