Daily Dose of Mom - Our Children's Advocate
Daily Dose of Mom - Our Child's Advocate
As a mother, we have to remember that we are our children’s #1 advocate. If we don't fight for our kids who will? My oldest has been above of his grade level for the longest time. His friends consistently ask him what grade he is in. When he'd tell them what grade work he was doing he'd always hear, "How are you doing that? I'm older/same age as you and I'm not doing that".
Well, right now we are moving at what seems like a turtle’s pace, slow and steady but still a bit behind. We're finding that he's having problems with his auditory processing, meaning he is hearing something totally different than what you're saying to him. We're looking into getting a developmental screening but most programs want three grand up front. Ugh!
It's like middle class has no chance unless you work five times as hard. So, that's just what we'll do starting at 4:30 am, emailing about his need for a screening. I was sent to five different people, programs, and buildings (over the phone thank God) but finally reached a sweet woman who said: "Send me a detailed e-mail of your concerns and I'll do the legwork to get you in the door". After all that my son's speech therapist said "Go ahead and write the email, I'll also have paperwork on your table at our next meeting so we can get through this. I don't know why they are trying to make you jump through all these hoops”.
Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who fight for our kiddos to have a chance. Don't give up mama's, our babies are worth it. We can relax when they're in college right? Ha-ha. Look for me on a cruise ship in about 17 years.