Say That Again - But Different

author/source: Susanna Gebauer

Photo COurtesy of Santa Barbara on UnsplashWhen I was building a startup (an online publishing platform), our developers loved and hated it, when I tested their work. I always ran into problems.

The lead developer said, "You always click through the things in a way we never thought of and never tested."

Because they thought like developers who grew up in a tech world and I thought like someone who grew up playing hide and seek on the street and climbing trees in the forest - without even a mobile phone.

Keep in mind, that everyone from your audience thinks, feels, and decides differently. They are at different stages in their journey. They have different backgrounds. They have different personalities.

Not all of them will react to your first offer. Some need more information, some need a different explanation, some need more time to think, and some need to get to know you. Some are not ready to take action.

What does this mean for your content?

You need to find 100 ways to say the same things. But you have to try different angles, words, and examples.

Because not everyone will react to the same content.

It all starts with keywords:

Have you ever noticed that people enter different search terms into Google when looking for the exact same things?

Don't assume that everybody uses your keywords. Some will not.

In your content that means, you need to tell the same content but with different keywords.

Find different explanations for complex matters.

Photo Courtesy of Igor OmilaevI have taught hundreds of students in math. None of them were too stupid to get it right. However, some of them could not follow the standard explanation provided in the math book. They needed a different angle to look at it.

Be a good teacher, and provide various angles to look at one problem. If you have one that speaks better to your audience than what they got before, you have already won.

Come up with illustrative examples.

Some kids learn math by counting apples, others use their fingers or play legos and a third group does not need any examples and instantly knows what the numbers are for.

Case studies and examples help explain complex stuff. They also provide proof and build trust.

And an example of a huge company may not trigger action from a solopreneur.

Photo Courtesy of Shubham DhageTell (different) stories

If you haven't before, try adding a story to your next content version.

Stories make your content stand out and become memorable.

And some stories speak to other people than other stories.

I can remember when I was still working with my brother, we liked and enjoyed different content and listened to different experts - just because we did not like the same stories.

Provide multiple reasons. Paint various benefits.

Entrepreneurs often try to convince you to buy their course, by bragging about the traveling they do or the kind of money they earn.

Both is not the reason why I am doing this entrepreneur thing. They would not convince me.

Photo COurtesy of Wandering Indian on UnsplashI am in it for the freedom to spend my life on my terms. Be my own boss. Take an afternoon off for a spontaneous hike.

Someone else may be looking for a course that can save them hours of time.

The benefits that would convince you to take action may not be the same that make me react.

Paint various scenarios to convince more people from your audience.

What does this mean for your content creation?

If you look at content this way, one content idea can easily turn into several social media posts and a couple of email newsletters. You may even be able to get more than one blog post out of one topic if you have several stories to tell.

One small idea can turn into multiple content pieces if every point of view, different keywords, a different example, and another story can turn it into a new narrative.

Photo Courtesy of Elena MozhviloWhen every piece of information results in multiple content ideas the knowledge you have will fill your content calendar for months on end.

The more content you create around your topics, the more content and story ideas you will have - at least that is what is happening to me.

 About Susanna:

I am a Blogger and Marketing Specialist specializing in organic traffic generation for blogs and websites. I have been an active part of the content marketing and social media marketing community for almost 10 years. I have been named a Content Marketing and Twitter Marketing influencer multiple times.

At the center of my work are topics like traffic generation, Twitter marketing, social media and content marketing, and blogging. I help entrepreneurs, business owners, and bloggers to succeed. I am all about practical experience and teaching what has worked for me with this blog and The Social Ms blog, my former business, and various clients.

Originally, I am a mathematician, I hold a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Free University of Berlin and have worked as a management consultant for several years.

Blogging allows me to split my time between the city of Berlin and the mountains of the Bavarian Forest. In my spare time, I go hiking with friends and dogs.

I am here to help (and have fun)say-that-again-different

 Susanna Gebauer by Friendly Fellows UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Im Kieferngrund 9, Berlin, Berlin 14163