Memory Loss/Dementia

author/source: Dr. Amba Dryg - Tobin

Dr Amba's DadI don't remember growing older, when did they? Sunrise, sunset 🌄

My father sang this song at my wedding in 2013. The Holidays can be rough because I miss him.
❤️ When I was little he was the first to take me to California to visit my grandmother. I moved to San Francisco as an adult - these are photos when he visited me. Much later he was diagnosed with 2 kinds of dementia.
I had known for a while he had memory issues. But when I visited him on Christmas several years ago and saw the state of his home and the way he was living. He was in fast decline so I moved him in with my family for the last years of his life.
😎You would not know it from the outside if you did not spend a lot of time with him. He had a built-in sense if humor and the air of an aging business mentor. Always full of ideas.
His ideas helped me to change my work focus. Now I have great success in my practice with early diagnosed clients and ones with severe memory loss. One sign is failing the cognitive part of the senior driver tests. Did you know there was such a thing? Nothing more frustrating than losing your freedom to drive at the age of 78.
My professor, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, reminded me why we do this work. As a Qigong Therapist, I can help. Traditional Chinese medical qigong therapy is an ancient energetic medicine for helping all physical and mental health disharmonies.

I will pray that all hidden things be revealed to you in this cPhoto Courtesy of Cathie Briggetteurrent challenge, and that the Divine guide your path and
open new doors for a speedy healing in your body, mind, spirit, life, and work mission.

Sometimes these sudden challenges represent new beginnings and are used as a way to awaken us to the even brighter and more powerful gifts.

Often, we won’t understand the reasons why until much later.

Sunrise/Sunset relate to the 5 Phases/5 Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine - the colors known as the 5 pure lights relate to the 5 seasons Winter, Spring, Summer, *Late Summer, and Fall