Mealtime Success: Strategies For Picky Eaters

author/source: Cathie Briggette

Photo Courtesy of Vataly Gariev on Unsplash  Picky eating is a common challenge many parents face, characterized by a child’s selective eating habits and resistance to new foods. This behavior is most prominent in toddlers and young children but can persist into later childhood. Picky eating can stem from various factors including sensory sensitivity, a desire for independence, and developmental stages. 

  Read on to learn some key strategies for picky eaters to ensure mealtime success.  

Strategies For Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits  

  Encouraging healthy eating habits in children, especially picky eaters, requires patience and strategic approaches. Below are some strategies for encouraging healthy eating habits:  

  1. Build A Good Relationship With Food  

One effective way to address picky eating is to foster a positive relationship with food. As a parent, you can facilitate this by involving your child in the meal planning and preparation process, which provides them with the opportunity to develop a vested interest in what they eat. 

Additionally, presenting food in fun and creative ways can also make meals more appealing to young eaters. If you need more information, some helpful tips can be found here, or you may consult with healthcare professionals to gain more insights. 


  1. Offer A Variety Of Foods  

Introducing a wide range of foods at an early age can be beneficial. By offering small portions of new healthy, organic foods alongside familiar favorites, you can help ease your child into trying new tastes without feeling overwhelmed. It’s also important to regularly rotate the foods on your child’s plate to avoid monotony and encourage a balanced diet. 

  1. Create A Positive Mealtime Environment  

The atmosphere during mealtimes can also significantly influence your child’s eating behavior. Hence, keep the environment calm and free of distractions such as television and electronic devices to encourage your child to focus on eating and listen to their hunger cues. Lastly, engage in pleasant conversations during meals to make this time more enjoyable, thereby associating positive feelings with eating. 

  1. Be Patient And Avoid Pressure  

Patience plays a crucial role when dealing with picky eaters. Pressuring your child to eat can lead to negative mealtime experiences and further resistance. Instead, allow them to eat at their own pace and choose from the options available. It’s also beneficial to offer new foods multiple times in a non-pressuring way, as children may need several exposures to a new food before they decide to try it. 

Nutritional Strategies To Consider  

  Ensuring that a picky eater receives sufficient nutrition requires creativity and strategy. For instance, incorporating nutrient-dense foods into dishes your child likes can subtly increase the nutritional value of their meals.  

  Below are some nutritional strategies to consider when dealing with picky eaters:  mealtime-success-strategies-picky-eaters

  1. Sneak Healthy Ingredients Into Favorite Dishes  

Adding pureed vegetables to sauces, smoothies, and baked goods, or incorporating a favorite vegetable into a beloved dish can help increase the nutritional content without changing the taste drastically. This method allows your child to enjoy their meals while still consuming the necessary vitamins and minerals. 

  1. Use Supplements Wisely  

While whole foods are the best source of nutrients, dietary supplements can help picky eaters meet their nutritional needs. However, it’s essential to consult with a pediatrician or a dietitian before introducing any supplements to ensure they’re appropriate and safe for your child’s age and health status. 

  1. Understanding The Role Of Consistency And Routine  

Establishing a consistent routine is fundamental in managing picky eating behaviors effectively. Regularly scheduled meals and snacks can help synchronize your child’s internal hunger signals, making them more likely to eat without resistance. Such consistency extends to the dining rules—insisting that everyone remains at the table until the meal concludes and encouraging children to try at least one bite of everything on their plate. These practices can instill a predictable structure and expectations, diminishing mealtime battles.  

Moreover, a routine to familiarize your child with the idea that meals and snacks occur at specific times, can reduce grazing and encourage a healthier appetite at meals. 

  1. Engaging Professional Help When Necessary 

When picky eating becomes more than a passing phase—especially when accompanied by weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, or emotional distress—it may be crucial to consult a professional. For instance, pediatricians or registered dietitians specializing in pediatric nutrition can provide invaluable support and tailored advice. These professionals assess your child’s nutritional intake, growth patterns, and eating habits to develop personalized strategies that address the root of picky eating behaviors.  

Additionally, they can offer reassurance and practical tips to parents, helping them confidently navigate this challenging phase. Seeking such specialized guidance ensures that the child’s health remains a priority while fostering a healthier approach to eating. 


Dealing with a picky eater can be challenging, but the right strategies and patience can foster a healthier relationship between your child and food. By keeping the information mentioned above in mind, you can help your children develop healthy eating habits that last a lifetime. Remember, every small step towards a new food or a better mealtime habit is a victory in managing picky eating.