Does this have to be an impossible dream or a myth,
for the Christmas spirit to remain with us after December 25th?
During the Christmas season acceptance for all is mostly everywhere,
but when Christmas is over, acceptance for all is gone, it’s not there.
If that holiday spirit moved us into the New Year of twenty twenty-two,
together we could conquer all discriminations and start living life anew.
Just think if bullying and daily racial tensions would come to a halt,
and equality would reign over all our lives and not be considered a fault.
There are many changes that need to happen and we must start today,
to do our part to honor each other in a respectful and welcoming way.
We need to join together in twenty twenty-two, this New Year,
and make certain that every life is considered precious and dear.
May this Christmas spirit remain with us after December 25th,
and become a reality, not a dream or a myth.
Rita N. Wolfson
Rita Nathan Wolfson is a 93-year-old author, poet, and artist. For more than twenty years she created artwork and jewelry utilizing recycled paper, the profits of which were donated to charitable causes. Rita self-published a book that combined her artwork and creative writing: One Liner on Two Lines and most recently, during the pandemic, she has been sharing her poetry on YouTube as the Positive Poet.
Rita began her creative journey later in life, after raising her family. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts, Boston at the age of 65, where she discovered her passion for learning. Upon graduation, she became a founding member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - taking countless classes and leading poetry seminars. She is tireless in her interests and has recently expanded her writing into the short story genre.