3 Books that Helped Shape My Business
As I’m rounding out some of the toughest, but most rewarding months of my business, I realized something. You become what you learn. If you’re wanting to start your business, or practically do anything new, you have to sit down and soak up the knowledge. Whether it be a book, workshop, or online course: it’s all derived from people. So here I am, another person giving up a Grade-A book list to start your business journey. These people listed below are not only one of the top experts at what they do, they also LOVE what they’re doing. That is a combination we all have to aspire to.
1. For Just Starting Out: She Means Business-Carrie Green
If you’ve been racking your brain on how in the world to start your business and personal development journey, you’ve met your match. This book, a better term would be a soul-filled interactive workbook, intertwines her personal stories, motivational quotes, and exercises to get you where you want to go. Starting with figuring out what your ideal dream life is to later your ideal client and how to show up for them. After the book, I had a stronger sense of how I wanted to begin down my entrepreneurial journey. Plus where I personally wanted to go in the next 3-5 years!
Takeaway: If you start a business without a clear end goal/mission then it will crumble. Do the work, build your foundation first, and watch it grow.
2. For Gaining Clarity on Your Niche: Careergasm- Sarah Vermunt
Ah, this book I came across near the end of college. The great thing about Sarah Vermunt is that she doesn’t hold anything back. She is a career and business coach, who wants to help you find what you want to do aka essentially find your “Careergasm”. I think this book helped me gain clarity on what tasks I want to focus more on my business, and what others I need to outsource. I know for many, outsourcing can sound like a scary word, but it is the best way to a) not get burnt out b) focus on tasks that don’t matter c) do what you love.
Takeaway: Figure out what your talents are, play to them, outsource the rest. You don’t have to wear 1000x entrepreneur hats all the time.
3. For Branding/Social Media: Crushing it!- Gary Vaynerchuk
This was one of my favorite books that just released. If you haven’t heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, you probably will in the next couple years. He is known as one of the main guys for social media/personal branding anything. Now, I know I said Sarah Vermunt doesn’t hold anything back, well times that by 1000x and you get Gary. He is brash but true. Social Media is needed in any business starting out in 2018 and beyond. And I believe you can do well in it if you figure out what works for you and your audience picks up on.
Takeaway: Try every social media platform, for at least 6 months to a year. See the results, adjust to what works, and keep going.
It’s not so easy to be found virtually, so as many hands you have in social media pots, increase your likelihood.
After all of this, you might be struggling where to start even from this list. And the best advice I can offer is: Start with what Resonates the most. You heard me, logical points aside, the best thing you can start doing now is strength your gut instinct or intuition. So begin here, choose which book interests you the most, and go from there.
Want to learn even more tips for starting out? Head here to get your hands on 5 Essentials Your Website Needs ASAP https://app.convertkit.com/landing_pages/344767?v=
Need a friend to dish over virtual coffee? I volunteer as tribute! You can find me here: http://www.facebook.com/iamdanielleklemm http://www.instagram.com/iamdanielleklemm
Danielle is the founder of DanielleKlemm.com and is a Website Designer + Social Media Marketer helping female small business owners share their message and be seen. Specializing in branding, WordPress, and iced coffee, she is your girl for anything brand or tech-based.
Learn more at http://www.danielleklemm.com